Join us. You can join our wine club by purchasing online on this page or by filling out our wine club form and emailing it to the address on the form.
Our Charter wine club (defined below) was capped and grandfathered on 12/31/22 and is no longer open for new customers. Existing customers as of 12/31/22 may remain in the Charter wine club or move your wine club membership to La Famiglia WC Select by emailing written notice to us specifying your bottle commitment (6, 8, 10, or 12 bottles per year) and wine preference (red, white or mixed). You can use our contact form to provide notice.
How it works. You choose 2, 4, or 6 bottles of wine per year (Charter) or 6, 8, 10, or 12 bottles of wine per year (Select), and red, white, or mixed. You pick up at our location or we ship to your MD, VA, or WV location, at our standard shipping rates, once per year (Charter) or twice per year (Select). We pick the wines and provide pick up/ship dates on our website. You may cancel any time before we announce the current year’s pickup/ship dates by email or written notice to us.
You receive:
--invites to wine related events
--notice of new releases (Charter) or advance purchase opportunities for new releases (Select)
--10% discount on your wine purchases (Charter) or 15% discount on your wine purchases (Select)
--free flight, tasting or glass/member/visit to our tasting room, and
--great wine at lower prices than the general public!
All wine club memberships are subject to our website terms of service. Wine club prices include all applicable discounts.