Additional Shipping Locations
In cooperation with VinoShipper, we may also ship our wines to the states listed below. We may add additional states from time-to-time and note them on our website
You may order our wines through VinoShipper icons below. VinoShipper orders ship indirectly through VinoShipper and UPS. VinoShipper orders are not subject to other promotional offers that apply to direct-shipped orders by Bozzo Family Vineyards to MD, PA, VA and WV locations.
Purchase of our wines is subject to our terms of service.
Around the Vine

3rd Harvest and Coronavirus
2020 was an interesting year with many unforeseen and some foreseeable developments. Our Vineyard Vineyard. In the foreseeable category, we enjoyed our third harvest. Mother Nature was kinder than she...
2019--What a Difference a Year Makes
Apologies for our tardy posts. 2018 was our first significant vineyard harvest and most of our 2018 wines are now estate wines made from our fruit. But 2018 was a...
2018--A Big Year
It has been quite some time since we posted an update; no excuses, but we've been very busy in 2018. Some highlights follow: Opening. We hired our first employee,...